Mental Health: Tips For Achieving Balance By Dr Charles Noplis

Mental Health: Tips For Achieving Balance By Dr Charles Noplis

Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present in the moment and it’s a simple concept, but it can be difficult to master.

To start, try focusing on your breathing or paying attention to what you see around you, if this feels challenging at first, don’t worry, just keep trying and as you practice mindfulness more regularly, it will become easier and more natural for you over time.

If incorporating mindfulness into your daily life isn’t something that comes naturally for you yet, don’t worry there are plenty of ways to make these practices part of your routine:

  • Practice yoga or meditation regularly; both are excellent ways of learning how to calm down during stressful moments while also strengthening both mind and body
  • Try taking short walks outside every day instead of sitting at home watching TV all evening; this will help clear away mental clutter so that when work does come around again tomorrow morning there won’t be any leftover thoughts hanging over from yesterday afternoon’s walk still clogging up memory space in order preventing proper focus on today’s tasks

Do Something Enjoyable

If you’re like most people, your free time is a precious commodity per se by Dr Charles Noplis, you may be tempted to spend all of it relaxing and unwinding, however, there are other things that can help you achieve balance and improve your mental health.

You might want to consider reading more books and listening to more music while reading can help you learn more about your interests and expand your knowledge on the subject matter of the book being read; this could also be beneficial for improving one’s career in any field.

Listening to music has been shown in studies by researchers that listening intently can improve memory function.

Not only does this mean that listening closely helps us remember details about things we hear or see better but it could also mean less stress at work since we don’t have as much trouble remembering details from meetings/presentations.

Practice Meditation And Self-Regulating Activities 

Meditation and other forms of self-regulating activities like tai chi or yoga are a great way to learn how to control your thoughts and body. 

These activities can help you relax, reduce stress, and be more productive in your daily life. You can do these on your own or with a group at the gym or local community center.

Be Aware Of How You’re Feeling, To Recognize The Signs Of Imbalance

  • Are you feeling more stressed than usual
  • Are you having trouble sleeping, or waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to fall back asleep
  • Any changes in appetite
  • Are you drinking more or less than usual including caffeine

Tips To Try And Balance Your Mental Health

Try incorporating all of the tips as recommended by Dr Charles Noplis, but if you’re not able to do all of them at once, that’s okay and the more you practice the tips, the easier it will get.

  • Take time out for yourself each day, have a designated time where no one else is around and you are able to relax on your own terms e.g., reading a book without distractions from work/social life/ family obligations
  • Get plenty of sleep every night, this will help keep your mind clear and focused during the day which will make it easier for us all around
  • Exercise regularly, this includes going outside into nature as well as doing physical activities like gym classes or sports teams